Research-Focused and Honors First-Year Semnars

Instructors can request to offer their seminar as a research-focused seminar, an honors seminar, or both. Learn more about what these types of seminars have to offer you and your students.

Academic Inquiry

Active Learning

Sense of Community and Connectedness

Exploration of Identity

When asked, "What do you like most about teaching a First-Year Seminar?" instructors said...

"Interaction with enthusiastic students in a low-stakes course where the focus can be on interest in the subject rather than getting a high grade"

"I enjoy it when they ask interesting questions and I can tell they are motivated."

"To get to know the students from the beginning of their journey."

"The small class size, you can build a rapport with students."

"The opportunity to introduce students to new material that they won't encounter anywhere else."

"It is nice to make a connection with students and remember what it means to be a student."

"I like the opportunity of creating a learning environment in which students feel comfortable enough to express themselves, confront their ideas with those of their classmates and learn from each other."

"I enjoy seeing students grow during the first months of college and I enjoy the relationships that sometimes last for their whole college career."

When asked, "Why do you teach a First-Year Seminar?" instructors said...

“I love working with new students in my area of interest and welcoming them into college-level writing and thinking.” 

“I wanted to teach about an area that I don’t get enough time with in my department. I thought it would be great to get first years excited (and more knowledgeable) about this area too. The stipend also allows me to increase my professional development and equipment purchases.” 

“To give a grounding space for students, connecting them with a professor to help them settle into their first year on campus. To share the excitement of the profession.” 

Interaction with enthusiastic students on a topic that few of them know anything about but are eager to learn about.” 

“I enjoy getting to know a small group of freshmen in a low-stakes (gradewise) and intellectually stimulating environment. The extra money is also nice.” 

“I like teaching small classes. It's a great way to introduce topics that students may not know about or if they are thinking about a subject and want to know more. Also I feel like there are a number of really important skills that I wish someone had told me about/taught me before I was halfway through grad school that would have made things so much easier and I would like to pass on that hard earned knowledge to others to help them in their academic journey.” 

“I want to get to know incoming freshmen and give them exposure to my field. It also helps generate enrollment in other courses offered by my department.” 

“I enjoy connecting with first- year students as they start their journey at Iowa. It is a rewarding experience and the students seem to get a lot out of being in a small class that is related to their career interests. Feels like a high-impact practice!”